Monday, April 29, 2013

American Animals... Finally Published!

I feel in a way that I've been in a battle with Kindle Direct Publishing this weekend.  They refused to publish my newest book twice and I was getting scared that I would have to either delete a lot of it or completely redo my formatting.

Thank goodness the book has finally been published and can now be viewed on!  The reason amazon was saying no was that they were saying that I was writing in non-supported languages.  I wrote the book in seven different languages.

It is in English, Spanish, Navajo, Shawnee, French, German, and Hopi.  English, Spanish, French, and German have always been the main European based languages here in North America.  I also chose to include various Native American languages as well.  Navajo and Hopi are close to my heart since I've been living on the Rez for a while now.

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